Monday, April 26, 2010

"It's been a long road, getting from there to here..."

"...Its been a long time, but my time is finally here." No I'm not feeling nostalgic for Star Trek Enterprise as, quite frankly, it sucked. No I'm just saying one of two things, the first of all its been a while since I've written here, and that with my potential career change coming up and the weather turning to what us here in Manitoba consider to be "heavenly" things are starting to look up.

With my acreage of yard to take care of (actually its half an acre but still alot). and home improvements being needed I have ahead of me a busy slate. Jobs and tasks that at first seem daunting seem more attainable now. Maybe its my more positive out look on things now, who knows?

Regardless I'm going to talk about movies now, cause really whats something to look forward to in the summer other than movies???

First of all opening in theatres tomorrow is IRON MAN 2! This is a movie I have been looking forward to since well Iron man 1. I can go on and on about how awesome its going to be...but really do I have to? It's going to be for sure.

Secondly most eagerly anticipated movie this summer for me is.....THE LAST AIRBENDER!!! Surprised?? Sure it seems a kinda kidish and its directed by exhausted hack of a director M. Night Shahalimananana*&(). I could of looked up the spelling but that was more fun :D. Regardless I'm looking forward to this as I am a huge and avid fan of the cartoon its based on called Avatar: the Last Airbender. They had to change the title due to the titanic sized turd of a film Avatar just coming out and frankly good call to distance yourself from that as much as possible. (See previous post on my feelings of Avatar). For those of you who don't know of the cartoon, it was an anime styled cartoon on the Nickelodeon network. The basic premise is their is a world split into four nations, Fire, Water, Earth and Air. Peoples of these nations can learn to "bend" or control the elements. Every generation a person born of one of these nations is the Avatar and has the ability to control all four and is supposed to guide the world as a leader. But the avatar goes missing and the fire nation strikes and attacks the rest of the world. Regardless for a "kids" cartoon it was extremely well written and engaging as a story. For any of you who are reading this I highly recommend to rent/download or watch YTV or NICK channels for episodes of Avatar: the Last Airbender. Just because its "for kids" doesn't mean its not good. Remember one of the most successful movie franchises of all time was dubbed "just for kids" and people of all ages love it. This of course being Star Wars. s0 :p

Long enough rant on that. Other movies that I'm looking forward to are (in no particular order) Robin Hood, A-Team, The Expendibles, the Losers just to name a few. Please comment on any I may have forgotten. Well that's all I got for now, so enjoy the summer movie line up!!

Ciao for now

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Long time no post,

Hey all.
Sorry its been so long. Honestly I've been uber busy as of late and haven't been able to find the time to write my usual witty rants. Anywho update on all that is LeShad. hmm....Oh OK so I think I'll spill the beans about my recent development. I'll do it now because I believe everyone who didn't know before that needed to knows now and the rest...well...SURPRISE!!!. So pretty much what happened was I've been accepted into a course to learn how to be an IT technician and computer networking specialist. The official title well that's kinda undefined but the program is called Internet Specialist. So YA me. The downside is I'm leaving my current career field. Is it a gamble? Sure a bit but I strongly believe there is more security in the field I'm going into then the one I'm in plus I believe it's something I'll enjoy doing much more.

Regardless lets just say for now, I needed a change and for future plans between my daringly wife and I this makes the most sense. So that's the big news, and around this time next year I'll be finishing up my program and starting an exciting new career in the computer IT sector. So ya me! *holds for applause*.

Thank onto other things. Well my health has been OK so far. My thyroid levels seem to be stable as my Doctor has cut back on my meds, my only concern now is the symptoms of my hypothyroidism have not really improved. I'm still lethargic, with stiff and sore joints and I have problems concentration and remembering things and I'd mention the weight thing but to be honest there are other reasons for that one.

One thing I have read regarding hypothyroidism is that its symptoms are so similar with other conditions that its possible that it masks other issues. Unfortunately recent blood tests have apparently come back negative. I have ideas of what it could be, but to avoid sounding like a hypochondriac I'm going to keep them to myself and speak to my Doc about seeking other treatment options. Its frustrating that in this day and age and with our great health care system and technology it can still take forever to get a proper diagnosis for something I strongly believe is not that big of a deal. I am making it an issue though for the fact I'd like to know what's wrong with me so I can cope, get treated and maybe recover from whatever it may be. A reason for the length of diagnoses I find that is our lack of Doctors, current Doctor's are so taxed that they have to adopt a "wham-bam thank you ma'am" approach to patient care. Maybe not true of all Doctor's but mine specifically. I spend hours to just see him and he ushers me in and out super quick to the point where most of my concerns are not even addressed. I talk to him about what I think it is and he tells me not to read stuff on the Internet to get myself too worked up and instead its nothing and to stay positive. I understand reading stuff on the Internet isn't a good idea but honestly I get all of 5 minutes with my Doctor so I have to kind of lead him in the right direction of what I think it is as quickly as possible. I am exaggerating here but not by much. I have been actively looking for another Doctor but every Doctor people recommend is not seeing new patients. And I don't really want to take a leap of faith to see a random Doctor as I may end up having one worse than my current one. Its infuriating that I'm stuck behind this wall but lack of something better its just going to have to go on my ever growing stress pile which lately is getting pretty big. Don't worry I don't see a break down coming my way in the future just sucks to deal with is all.

Regardless I really can't think of much more to write about for now. So I'll end this here. Sorry it started on a high note and ended sad but thanks all for the listen anyway.

Oh wait another good thing, doesn't really concern me but it did make me happy. One of my favourite comedic people in the world Conan O'Brien, has recently announced he's going back to TV come November to take on a late night talk show on TBS. Unfortunately its TBS but the at least he'll be on TV and won't be hindered by network censorship. So awesome for him. OK so now I'll go
Ciao for now.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Better mood, lighter colour, exciting news but can't share it just yet.

Hey all,
Sorry to tease you with that title. Some new and exciting developments have happened in my life this week. At this point all I can really say is I had some incredible stress and major decisions thrown on me all within the span of 3 days that any decision would have impacted me greatly for the rest of mine and my Wife's life. We made it through and I made what I (and she) consider to be the best choice as dramatic as it may be. Regardless due to this decision and new life it will most undoubtedly create my overall mood and sense of well being has dramatically increased and I have decided to change the colour of my blog from black to blue. Shocking isn't it.

Don't worry I won't tease you all for long, I will announce the dramatic change and decision I made soon, however as it involves a certain aspect of my life and other people have not been made privy to this information I will be withholding its release for at least another month or so. So remind me to bring it up in a month.

Maybe its just because its Friday and I'm geared up for having a good solid weekend off with my lady love (hasn't happened in a while) that I'm in such a good mood but I AM. Its been awhile and it feels great. Being the pessimist I am I highly doubt it'll last long and I'm sure I'll fade to black soon, but lets all enjoy it while its around hmm?

You'll be all happy to know that thanks to the gentle prodding from my Wife I have started to be more active and go out for daily walks. Its not very far but I keep a brisk pace thanks to my faithful hound Maggie who reminds me to do this right after supper. It doesn't sound like much but I have been surprised how doing this for the past four nights has really done wonders for boosting my overall energy levels. Also served as a reality check of how out of shape I really am. Isn't she a sweetie? I'll be the first one to admit (and for those who know me well you can concur) that I have a short temper. Although she gets on my nerves and I have lost my temper with her Maggie has helped me become more patient in general and when I'm feeling blue cheers me up in ways only a dog can. Thanks Maggie in case I don't say it more often and I'll see you later on that walk.

Anyway I really don't have much more to say at this time. Days are getting longer, weather getting warmer and everything is looking up. Who can complain with that? Lets just hope that all this goodness lasts long enough to get some real use out of it. Until next time,


P.S. That new development will be coming soon I promise.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Am I old fashioned or is this majorly disrespectful.

My taste in music can hardly be classed as main-stream. The latest poppy flavours from the likes of 15 year old boys with bowl cuts or strippers turn music divas are far from my idea of good music. Rather I listen to music I consider to be well "good". Music like all art is subjective, but for me I want to listen to music that I know the artist actually put feeling, emotion and time into. Not something that an army of composers, producers and music technicians tweek, alter, write and "auto tune" the crap out of until it meets all of the "omg! this songs is soo awesome" criteria.

I hardly expect people to enjoy my music as most of it entails heavy guitar rifts, heavy bass, lots of drums to make well heavy metal. There is alot of crap metal out there just like any other genre but I'd like to think the stuff I listen to is good and most importantly expresses one's emotions. Even if their emotions are negative. My reasoning is if I listen to negative hateful and angry music it makes my life feel better by comparison. You should try it it works! You'll probably feel really angry and sad or whatever during the song but after you'll feel better. I dare you all to listen to "Slipknot's" song "Snuff" and tell me it didn't make your heart ache and weep from despair.

Anyway I'm getting off topic. At work my office leaves the latest hit sensation stations on for background noise and although I find myself tapping my foot to a song or two the fact is I feel its the same generic crap that inhabits most radio stations. However if the point of music is to generate an emotional response then a new song has done just that, and I'm NOT at all happy about it.

The song in question is "Oh...Canada" by "Classified". Yes that's right in case you haven't heard the song before pretty much a hip-hop, rap or whatever they are considered, group has "sampled/covered" the national anthem. I can't begin to describe how sick that makes me feel. Make all the jokes you want by when growing up I was in Scouting. I can assure I never has any inappropriate experiences with a scout leader, just many years of making friends, learning useful life skills and values, and having fun camping. One value Scouts taught me is national pride. Pride to the effect of how to properly raise, lower and fold a flag. Knowing that if the flag ever touches the ground it should be burned out of respect, knowing no other flag on home soil should be higher on the pole than the nation's flag, and most importantly that our anthem is a symbol of our nation's reputation and it is to be sung with pride while standing at attention. One thing it should never be is remixed, sampled, or profited from by any private person or entity. Its a song belonging to every Canadian, alive or dead.

I have a strong sensation that "Classified" were asked to do that song (abomination) for the 2010 Vancouver Olympic games for some national pride generating. However this is unacceptable and overall its a terrible song (do we need another one? that I believe song they played after anyone won a metal was bad enough). A national anthem shouldn't need to be modernized or amped up to appeal to youth, if the young people of today (look at me sounding so old) can't appreciate their nation enough to learn and love the current national anthem they maybe they should go to a country where they don't have the same rights and freedoms we do like in most of the African nations? Or even move to the United States were they don't even have our health care system? ( I know as of late US did pass the Health care bill but it still isn't even close to what we have here). National anthems are to be timeless, the only reason why ours is so "new" is because we adopted it when we became a nation in our own right and left the British Dominion.

Now I know this "Classified" song is all pro-Canadian and doesn't say anything bad or anti-patriotic but what its doing is making a mockery of the true anthem and there fore should be (like a fallen flag) burned out of respect. If one good thing comes from this PIECE OF CRAP song I would hope it'd be a new found respect for our nation and help usher in a new era of patriotism and national pride that up until the 2010 Vancouver Olympics was highly lacking in our society. Sing it loud and sing it proud or else don't call yourself a Canadian.

Ciao for now.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Today's aggrevation.

Ok quick little rant for today. On my drive to work this morning (yes I do work). I saw a man walking his dog along a very busy street (parkway for those of you in 'peg city) without its leash on. Now the dog seemed to be older (not very active) and fairly well trained but I have a huge problem with this.

For starters its illegal. Your dog may be the patron saint of dogs everywhere and listen to every word that comes out of your mouth like its the Gospel, but I got news for you. Recent studies show that an adult dog that is very well trained has about the equal intelligence of a four year old human child. So I pose this question to man walking his dog off his leash. Would you take your four year old on a walk beside a very busy street during rush hour without the child equivalent of a leash? (i.e. a safety harness with tether, stroller or holding your hand?) I would hope for the sake of all humanity the answer to that would be no. So with that established dogs are still capable of doing unprecedented and unpredictable things. For example good ol' rex is walking down this street and sees a goose, deer or rabbit and decides to chase it. Chase leads into the street and boom dog is hit. I'm a lover of animals (especially dogs) so for me that is tragedy enough, but to look at it in a legal matter now you have several hundreds of dollars in potential car damage from the ensuing car accident(s) that may result, not forgetting potential human injuries or fatalities. So as a result of this I would strongly believe that this alone is the foremost reason for leash laws. Not necessarily for the protection of rex, but for the populous as a whole.

Secondly, for the consideration of other dog owners. My own personal canine companion (Maggie) is still fairly young and although she is well behaved for the most part, she lacks some discipline on a leash., which is something I am currently working with her to overcome. So for another example there is a neighbour who resides near my home that I sometimes walk by when taking Maggie out. He has a very friendly black lab who likes to watch his owner work in the garage, and the owner doesn't leash him. So when we walk by Maggie gets all excited and this lab comes charging over to her to say hello and pulls every which way to get me to walk her over to greet him. Well I'm usually on the opposite side of the street from the lab's home so the dog (with no fear I might add) runs across the street to say hello, barking his fool head off, mean while I am the one left to make sure the lab isn't hit by any oncoming cars. Then after I let them visit for a bit I try to take Maggie home. While the lab follows us, then several minutes later the owner wonders where his dog is and calls him back!! I'm sorry but even to have your dog unleashed on your property when they have full access to a busy street is negligent and could lead to the dog being injured or any of the other outcomes I mentioned above. And now your adding the possibility of my dog jumping after the lab and possibly getting hit by a car. This has happened to me twice, and although I doubt he reads my blog, I am putting him on notice one more incident of this and I will be speaking to him. If it continues after that I will be reporting him to police or to the Winnipeg Humane Society. I hate to do that because in those situations the dog is usually the one that suffers, but at the same time I'm not going to let something happen to my Maggie, (she's had a hard enough life as it is). Also this same dog has run across this street to greet others while I'm driving by causing me to have to slam on the breaks to avoid hitting him. If I were to accidentally hit him not only am I going to feel awful for hurting (or worse) a dog, but also I'll have damage on my vehicle that I'll have to pay for/deal with which isn't fair either.

On top of all of this, as much as I may not agree with them, some people are very nervous around dogs for various reasons. And as well trained as your dogs are they may approach said people on a walk to greet them, sniff them or whatever. As citizens of this city/province/country they have the right to feel safe and that trumps your desire to not leash poochie. So smarten up.

A warning in general to these people and anyone else who partakes in these behaviours. We are lucky in this neighbourhood of having an off leash dog park right in the vicinity of both of these incidents. Keep this up and it'll lead to complaints. With too many complaints the city (who owns the park and is temporarily letting us use it as a dog park) will take it away for public safety concerns. So keep being ignorant and put everyone at risk just because your too lazy to leash your dog or are trying to prove a point about how well trained your dog is and that is what will happen. You want to walk them without a leash take them to the park and keep it there.

That's all for today.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St.Patrick's day.

So it's St. Patrick's day. Yeah. I stand out like a sore thumb today as I'm not wearing green. Why? Well I forgot. Is it a big deal? I don't think so. So I appreciate people not getting after me with constant questions and scoldings for the lack of vert on my clothing. I'm proud of my Irish heritage, one of my Grandmother's parents were born on the Emerald Isle, and I like to drink Guiness with the best of them. You want to show me someone not celebrating St.Paddy's day show me those people who drink regular "beer" with green food dye. I'm sorry but Coors Light with green food dye is not Irish. Drinking MGD, Kokanee, or any other beer not from Ireland is not Irish. Guiness that's where its at. "Oh but Les its so dark, and thick and hard to drink and" shut up! As a friend of mine has said Guiness is the beer of Ireland, its corporate logo (the Harp) is a symbol of the country. Ya I know Molson Canadian has a maple leaf on it and that's a symbol of Canada but its not trademarked. The harp is. So until I see you down a pint of Guiness don't say I'm not celebrating St.Patrick's day cause I am more than you are my friend. Well except maybe not including those of you who are actually full Irish and living in Ireland then you have me beat.

Now purists well get after me about how drinking beer isn't the only thing about Ireland and it has a full and rich heritage and gave the world many great gifts spanning from music, to dance, to U2, to Colin Farrell. But beer drinking is something they are more well known for. Well that and leprechauns. But I'm not about to go and kidnap me a little person am I? (Or am I?) So beer it is.

You might think that I'm being very narrow-minded. Well shut up I don't care what you think. No that's a lie I do care (comments please). But as narrow minded as I might be, I don't feel its necessary to throw on a green shirt go to work and say I'm in the Irish spirit because of this one day. That's a cop out that 90% of the population does to celebrate. I on the other hand am going to drink myself a few beers, think of the fine Irish cooking that my Grandmother used to make, think of all the things Ireland has given to society and reflect on this while spending the evening with a friend who lived there for most of his life. Listening to his stories that I've heard many times before as he is well cursed with the gift of the gab that is a staple in Irish culture and a bi-product of kissing the blarney stone (which I'm 90% sure he has). So does this make up for me not wearing a green shirt? HELL YES IT DOES!!! So to end off to the neigh-sayers who well say neigh to me I have one thing for you Póg mo thóin, Pionta Guinness, le do thoil and Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig oraibh!

Happy St. Patrick's day.

P.S. Sorry that was more of a rant than anything else. But dammit my rants are my signature pieces. As misinformed they might be they are at their core, entertaining. That's really all I have for now.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Quick little blurb.I have readers!!

Hey peeps. I don't have alot of time to post but I'd like to say I FINALLY GOT COMMENTS AND A FOLLOWER thanks to my cousin in law Jacqui and my good ol' pal Sarah. Thanks guys. I guess I shouldn't be shocked as I didn't really advertise my blog until yesterday (my last post) when I decided to be a little bold. Neigh a little daring and post a link of my blog on my twitter/facebook. Hopefully more people will come (hears a whisper *if you blog it they will read*). So thanks you two, your my official first audience (other than the Mrs as she hears my real life blog). But thanks all the same. I hope my ramblings will bring a little bit of cheer, jeer and maybe some tears. And no Sarah you weren't too mushy I appreciate the thought. Peace to you all and I'll be back again soon with even more.
Ciao for now (thought I forgot didn't you).

Monday, March 8, 2010

Long time, Oscar getting it right and trying not to fail.

Its me. I know its been a long time, so I give you my apologies. Why have I been gone so long? No reason really, kinda forgot I was doing this. Well back on track now so here we go.

So the Oscars were on last night. You saw by my last post that I wasn't particularly fond of Avatar. Especially not in the best picture category. Now I can't saw I went out and saw all 10 best picture nominees, however I saw Avatar, District 9 and the Hurt Locker. Out of those three I definitely think the right movie won. Hurt Locker did something unconventional with the "war genre" and that was made it real. Real as in we got to (as the audience) get a taste of what its like in Iraq without the glorious flag waving and freedom junk that gets shoved down your throat. Also the style of filming where the cast didn't know where all the cameras where gave it that extra real edge. Bravo to the film, crew and Kathryn Bigelow for being the first female director to win the Oscar. I'm still going to go out and attempt to watch all the other best picture nominees like my wife and I do every year, but I have a feeling my opinion of who won won't change.
I don't think it should of won but I feel that Star Trek was snubbed as a nominee. Now I am a self-proclaimed nerd, and if I haven't proclaimed it here then I'M A NERD!!! But regardless Star Trek was well acted, shot, written and most importantly was enjoyable to watch. I'm such tons of people on the "innanets" will be crying fowl with me but the one saving grace is at least we can't say it was snubbed because it was a Sci-Fi film. As you saw District 9 and Avatar were both nominated so kudos overall to the Sci-Fi genre. My opinion is it was probably due to the fact it was a "reboot" of a franchise that prevented the Academy from nominating it. Sure it wasn't original content but what Abrams did is take a broken leg and mended it. He introduced a whole new audience to the Star Trek franchise and rejuvenated it for (fingers crossed) another forty years. What a lot of people today who say star trek is only for nerds back in the day when the original series first premiered lots of people from different walks of life watched it and loved it on different levels. Unfortunately Star Trek went through a phase where they only catered to the die-hard fans. This phase is what I think killed the original "canon" as any change they attempted to make was brought on by boos and hisses from the nerd public at large (no joke at their expense meant there). So Abrams was approached to kick start it, and he took a bold step by redoing it right at the beginning, taking it back to a place where anyone from any walk of life can get into it, enjoy it all the while making it a great film. So I wave my finger at you Academy for snubbing a fine film that shouldn't of won best picture, but at least should of been considered.

As you saw above by my title I had three topics in mind. First and second have been covered so now the "trying not to fail". Well as you saw in previous posts a new year's resolution for me was to get into shape, exercise more and generally feel better about myself. Well I kinda fell off the wagon. I know you all are disappointed in me. Don't worry I am in myself as well. I could go down the excuse road again, but really nothings changed. But its still in the back of my mind. This past weekend I at least took my dog out for a few walks and once to the dog park which involves lots of walking. Its a small start but its got to count right? Plus I go on the treadmill and do some weight lifting. My problem is frequency, i.e. there is none and I don't keep to it. But its a work in progress and I haven't thrown in the towel yet. Cheer me on people. Until next time.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


That title is probably spelt wrong but sound it out you'll know what I mean. I guess I'm expecting too much with only two posts up and now a third. I was hoping I'd have some hits and at least one comment. Oh well.
Recent events in my life...I went and saw this Avatar or as the Govenator called it "abadah" movie everyone seems to be seeing twice. Me? I don't think I'll watch it again except maybe to compare it on the home screen without 3D. So my opinion on it? Well the story was heavily borrowed from many sources. We all know the Ferngully and the Dances with Wolves references but what about other works of Cameron's? Like Aliens, via the character played by Michelle Rodriguez being very similar to the rough/tough marine-esque latino girl Vasquez? The big mechanical walkers used by Ripley in Aliens are reminiscient of the ones in Avatar, the list goes on. So I offer a question, is James Cameron that good of a director/film-maker.

Well I guess a definition of a good director is needed first. Well one can look at artistic directors who make a beautiful or well made movies such as Ang Lee, Stanley Kubrick, Kowerzawa (sp?) then there are the directors that give us what we want and make tons for it, like pablum companies selling pablum to babies....pablum. Like Steven Speilberg (ya he made Shindler's List which was good...but look at the over stuff), Micheal Bay (boom) and I'll dump him in there JAMES CAMERON.

James Cameron is a special effects whore., there I said it. To me special effects in a movie is like nudity. When used properly it can really make the movie by adding to the story, character and art development. However when used explicitly a fine movie can turn into a porn very quickly. Avatar in all account was an enjoyable movie, but I don't think it is deserving of all the hype. Strip away all the effects and the 3D and you get a very mediocre film that we've all seen before. The effects where good but for me nothing special, we've seen them before and with all of the CGI it was reminiscient of Star Wars episode 2 and 3 where the CGI got in the way of the movie.

I'm beginning to ramble and I apologise, to get to my point do I think Abadah should of made over 1 billion in box office? Sure its something everyone thinks looks cool and wants to see so who am I to argue? Do I think it should of won the Golden Globe for best drama?! HELL NO. It wasn't that good, give it all the tech awards and the best action movie at the MTV awards but not best Drama. I hope the academy has better sense. Anyway that's my abadah rant. Enjoy and please somebody comment and read my blog, I'm starting to get depreseed.

Ciao for now. (oh by the way I say that now)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Keeping with it.

Hello again,

One thing that many of us have difficulty doing is keeping to a promise, resolution, vow or any other objective. Prime example is getting on this dieting and exercising kick I've promised myself into. So far since January first I have exercise a total of 3 times for 20 mins and by exercise we are referring to running on a treadmill.

A problem preventing me to do so is an underlying health conditions on my part. I was recently diagnosed with hypothyroidism due to this I have a low metabolism, fatigue and near constant knee, shin and ankle pain and aches. So running is rather uncomfortable, but in the same thought so is standing and sitting. I am being medicated and these conditions are less than they were, however as any of you know who suffer from this fairly common condition getting to the right dosage can take significant time with constant blood tests and prescription fiddling. So until you get to that sweet spot you never really feel right. However I'd like to point out another issue preventing me from exercising and that is I am incredibly lazy. I know you are all incredibly shocked but it is true, I've learned to deal with it and I ask you to as well.

Now in most discussions with people I can usually argue away my reasons for laziness in every situation my close family and darling wife can all atest to that. One thing my mom always told me is I should be a lawyer when I grow up due to my arguing and reasoning skills, however this was a career choice I didn't pursue as (say it with me now) I'm just too damn lazy. But I digress, so the dilemma I face is whether its just my health condition or my laziness that prevents me from starting my exercise regiment? It could be a combo of both which I'd like to believe, but my darling wife likes to point out if I exercised more I probably wouldn't ache so much in the knees. So one leads to the other, but one prevents the other. At the risk of sounding once again cliched its a vicious circle. Like the infamous quote of Fat bastard in Austin Powers 2. He eats cause he is unhappy, and he is unhappy cause he eats. I come to the conclusion I have alot in common with this rotund umm bastard (couldn't think of another word). I'm not fat I know, but I have packed on some pounds in the years, I am often a bastard and I am stuck in this same vicious circle. So the trick is? Getting over the hump.

Ah the hump, that foul temptress that has prevented and plague mankind for countless millenia. Always there to thrwat and ruin any...OK enough you get it. So what I'm saying is I must get over this hump that prevents me from exercising. Which brings me back to my earlier point. Is this hump my laziness or my hypothyroidism? I guess the best way to tackle it would to assume the former over the latter and just get it done already instead of using my illness as a crutch. So in the end I guess that's what I'll do...only problem is its soooo hard.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Start of a new year.

Hello all. I've decided as part of my numerous New Year's resolutions I'd start getting into the digital world by making a blog! I know what your thinking, "ya you and a million others" and "why three years too late". Well I never thought I'd have much to say but I figure this is a way to express myself and my inner most thoughts and that I'd share them with the world in what hopes to be a humerous and thought provoking blog.

So in reality I figured that by writing my thoughts down would help me express my feelings and become a better person overall. And then I figured if I'm going to do that I might as well post it online right??? Only makes sense.

I feel this year is going to be a one of new beginnings. How cliched of me my apologies. But I'm usually the first one to say that new year's is no big deal its just another day on the calender which is man's perceived device to measure our lives from birth to death in a quantitative way. But this year I have gotten over the so called hump of wanting to change my life and actually doing it. 2009 wasn't the best year for me. I fell off my roof and have a permanately messed up my back, I had nose surgery to correct a breathing problem and I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism which kinda limits me physically from doing alot in my life. For a man of 27 years I feel like I am 87. So this has prompted me to get in shape, to exercise, lose some weight and hopefully be overall healthier.

The other thing I want to fix is the way I am around others. I come across at first as a nice guy but something I am really bad for is a short attention span and not listening. I'll hear what people are saying and can even respond back, but there's no retention of any information. It's not that I don't care, I just can't seem to focus on them. And the reason for this is I find my mind is going a mile a minute with my own thoughts that I want others to comment on. But I don't always want to be the centre of attention. Why not tell my wife these things? Oh don't worry I do, but its always nice to get an impartial outside party to comment and to be fair to her she has her own life and thoughts that she needs to express. So my experimental solution to this is to post my thoughts online then people can read and comment if they like and I get the satisfaction of having someone listen to me. Also I don't feel bad as the centre of attention due to me being the subject of said blog. Win Win! And if I find no one reads or comments to my blog then I'll stop and I'll realize that no one finds me interesting. Don't worry no suicidal thoughts here I'll just come to the conclusion I'm not as deep and profound as I think I am. So that's my first blog post. And as the title suggestions it is a rambling.