Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Start of a new year.

Hello all. I've decided as part of my numerous New Year's resolutions I'd start getting into the digital world by making a blog! I know what your thinking, "ya you and a million others" and "why three years too late". Well I never thought I'd have much to say but I figure this is a way to express myself and my inner most thoughts and that I'd share them with the world in what hopes to be a humerous and thought provoking blog.

So in reality I figured that by writing my thoughts down would help me express my feelings and become a better person overall. And then I figured if I'm going to do that I might as well post it online right??? Only makes sense.

I feel this year is going to be a one of new beginnings. How cliched of me my apologies. But I'm usually the first one to say that new year's is no big deal its just another day on the calender which is man's perceived device to measure our lives from birth to death in a quantitative way. But this year I have gotten over the so called hump of wanting to change my life and actually doing it. 2009 wasn't the best year for me. I fell off my roof and have a permanately messed up my back, I had nose surgery to correct a breathing problem and I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism which kinda limits me physically from doing alot in my life. For a man of 27 years I feel like I am 87. So this has prompted me to get in shape, to exercise, lose some weight and hopefully be overall healthier.

The other thing I want to fix is the way I am around others. I come across at first as a nice guy but something I am really bad for is a short attention span and not listening. I'll hear what people are saying and can even respond back, but there's no retention of any information. It's not that I don't care, I just can't seem to focus on them. And the reason for this is I find my mind is going a mile a minute with my own thoughts that I want others to comment on. But I don't always want to be the centre of attention. Why not tell my wife these things? Oh don't worry I do, but its always nice to get an impartial outside party to comment and to be fair to her she has her own life and thoughts that she needs to express. So my experimental solution to this is to post my thoughts online then people can read and comment if they like and I get the satisfaction of having someone listen to me. Also I don't feel bad as the centre of attention due to me being the subject of said blog. Win Win! And if I find no one reads or comments to my blog then I'll stop and I'll realize that no one finds me interesting. Don't worry no suicidal thoughts here I'll just come to the conclusion I'm not as deep and profound as I think I am. So that's my first blog post. And as the title suggestions it is a rambling.

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