Thursday, January 21, 2010


That title is probably spelt wrong but sound it out you'll know what I mean. I guess I'm expecting too much with only two posts up and now a third. I was hoping I'd have some hits and at least one comment. Oh well.
Recent events in my life...I went and saw this Avatar or as the Govenator called it "abadah" movie everyone seems to be seeing twice. Me? I don't think I'll watch it again except maybe to compare it on the home screen without 3D. So my opinion on it? Well the story was heavily borrowed from many sources. We all know the Ferngully and the Dances with Wolves references but what about other works of Cameron's? Like Aliens, via the character played by Michelle Rodriguez being very similar to the rough/tough marine-esque latino girl Vasquez? The big mechanical walkers used by Ripley in Aliens are reminiscient of the ones in Avatar, the list goes on. So I offer a question, is James Cameron that good of a director/film-maker.

Well I guess a definition of a good director is needed first. Well one can look at artistic directors who make a beautiful or well made movies such as Ang Lee, Stanley Kubrick, Kowerzawa (sp?) then there are the directors that give us what we want and make tons for it, like pablum companies selling pablum to babies....pablum. Like Steven Speilberg (ya he made Shindler's List which was good...but look at the over stuff), Micheal Bay (boom) and I'll dump him in there JAMES CAMERON.

James Cameron is a special effects whore., there I said it. To me special effects in a movie is like nudity. When used properly it can really make the movie by adding to the story, character and art development. However when used explicitly a fine movie can turn into a porn very quickly. Avatar in all account was an enjoyable movie, but I don't think it is deserving of all the hype. Strip away all the effects and the 3D and you get a very mediocre film that we've all seen before. The effects where good but for me nothing special, we've seen them before and with all of the CGI it was reminiscient of Star Wars episode 2 and 3 where the CGI got in the way of the movie.

I'm beginning to ramble and I apologise, to get to my point do I think Abadah should of made over 1 billion in box office? Sure its something everyone thinks looks cool and wants to see so who am I to argue? Do I think it should of won the Golden Globe for best drama?! HELL NO. It wasn't that good, give it all the tech awards and the best action movie at the MTV awards but not best Drama. I hope the academy has better sense. Anyway that's my abadah rant. Enjoy and please somebody comment and read my blog, I'm starting to get depreseed.

Ciao for now. (oh by the way I say that now)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Keeping with it.

Hello again,

One thing that many of us have difficulty doing is keeping to a promise, resolution, vow or any other objective. Prime example is getting on this dieting and exercising kick I've promised myself into. So far since January first I have exercise a total of 3 times for 20 mins and by exercise we are referring to running on a treadmill.

A problem preventing me to do so is an underlying health conditions on my part. I was recently diagnosed with hypothyroidism due to this I have a low metabolism, fatigue and near constant knee, shin and ankle pain and aches. So running is rather uncomfortable, but in the same thought so is standing and sitting. I am being medicated and these conditions are less than they were, however as any of you know who suffer from this fairly common condition getting to the right dosage can take significant time with constant blood tests and prescription fiddling. So until you get to that sweet spot you never really feel right. However I'd like to point out another issue preventing me from exercising and that is I am incredibly lazy. I know you are all incredibly shocked but it is true, I've learned to deal with it and I ask you to as well.

Now in most discussions with people I can usually argue away my reasons for laziness in every situation my close family and darling wife can all atest to that. One thing my mom always told me is I should be a lawyer when I grow up due to my arguing and reasoning skills, however this was a career choice I didn't pursue as (say it with me now) I'm just too damn lazy. But I digress, so the dilemma I face is whether its just my health condition or my laziness that prevents me from starting my exercise regiment? It could be a combo of both which I'd like to believe, but my darling wife likes to point out if I exercised more I probably wouldn't ache so much in the knees. So one leads to the other, but one prevents the other. At the risk of sounding once again cliched its a vicious circle. Like the infamous quote of Fat bastard in Austin Powers 2. He eats cause he is unhappy, and he is unhappy cause he eats. I come to the conclusion I have alot in common with this rotund umm bastard (couldn't think of another word). I'm not fat I know, but I have packed on some pounds in the years, I am often a bastard and I am stuck in this same vicious circle. So the trick is? Getting over the hump.

Ah the hump, that foul temptress that has prevented and plague mankind for countless millenia. Always there to thrwat and ruin any...OK enough you get it. So what I'm saying is I must get over this hump that prevents me from exercising. Which brings me back to my earlier point. Is this hump my laziness or my hypothyroidism? I guess the best way to tackle it would to assume the former over the latter and just get it done already instead of using my illness as a crutch. So in the end I guess that's what I'll do...only problem is its soooo hard.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Start of a new year.

Hello all. I've decided as part of my numerous New Year's resolutions I'd start getting into the digital world by making a blog! I know what your thinking, "ya you and a million others" and "why three years too late". Well I never thought I'd have much to say but I figure this is a way to express myself and my inner most thoughts and that I'd share them with the world in what hopes to be a humerous and thought provoking blog.

So in reality I figured that by writing my thoughts down would help me express my feelings and become a better person overall. And then I figured if I'm going to do that I might as well post it online right??? Only makes sense.

I feel this year is going to be a one of new beginnings. How cliched of me my apologies. But I'm usually the first one to say that new year's is no big deal its just another day on the calender which is man's perceived device to measure our lives from birth to death in a quantitative way. But this year I have gotten over the so called hump of wanting to change my life and actually doing it. 2009 wasn't the best year for me. I fell off my roof and have a permanately messed up my back, I had nose surgery to correct a breathing problem and I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism which kinda limits me physically from doing alot in my life. For a man of 27 years I feel like I am 87. So this has prompted me to get in shape, to exercise, lose some weight and hopefully be overall healthier.

The other thing I want to fix is the way I am around others. I come across at first as a nice guy but something I am really bad for is a short attention span and not listening. I'll hear what people are saying and can even respond back, but there's no retention of any information. It's not that I don't care, I just can't seem to focus on them. And the reason for this is I find my mind is going a mile a minute with my own thoughts that I want others to comment on. But I don't always want to be the centre of attention. Why not tell my wife these things? Oh don't worry I do, but its always nice to get an impartial outside party to comment and to be fair to her she has her own life and thoughts that she needs to express. So my experimental solution to this is to post my thoughts online then people can read and comment if they like and I get the satisfaction of having someone listen to me. Also I don't feel bad as the centre of attention due to me being the subject of said blog. Win Win! And if I find no one reads or comments to my blog then I'll stop and I'll realize that no one finds me interesting. Don't worry no suicidal thoughts here I'll just come to the conclusion I'm not as deep and profound as I think I am. So that's my first blog post. And as the title suggestions it is a rambling.