Friday, March 26, 2010

Better mood, lighter colour, exciting news but can't share it just yet.

Hey all,
Sorry to tease you with that title. Some new and exciting developments have happened in my life this week. At this point all I can really say is I had some incredible stress and major decisions thrown on me all within the span of 3 days that any decision would have impacted me greatly for the rest of mine and my Wife's life. We made it through and I made what I (and she) consider to be the best choice as dramatic as it may be. Regardless due to this decision and new life it will most undoubtedly create my overall mood and sense of well being has dramatically increased and I have decided to change the colour of my blog from black to blue. Shocking isn't it.

Don't worry I won't tease you all for long, I will announce the dramatic change and decision I made soon, however as it involves a certain aspect of my life and other people have not been made privy to this information I will be withholding its release for at least another month or so. So remind me to bring it up in a month.

Maybe its just because its Friday and I'm geared up for having a good solid weekend off with my lady love (hasn't happened in a while) that I'm in such a good mood but I AM. Its been awhile and it feels great. Being the pessimist I am I highly doubt it'll last long and I'm sure I'll fade to black soon, but lets all enjoy it while its around hmm?

You'll be all happy to know that thanks to the gentle prodding from my Wife I have started to be more active and go out for daily walks. Its not very far but I keep a brisk pace thanks to my faithful hound Maggie who reminds me to do this right after supper. It doesn't sound like much but I have been surprised how doing this for the past four nights has really done wonders for boosting my overall energy levels. Also served as a reality check of how out of shape I really am. Isn't she a sweetie? I'll be the first one to admit (and for those who know me well you can concur) that I have a short temper. Although she gets on my nerves and I have lost my temper with her Maggie has helped me become more patient in general and when I'm feeling blue cheers me up in ways only a dog can. Thanks Maggie in case I don't say it more often and I'll see you later on that walk.

Anyway I really don't have much more to say at this time. Days are getting longer, weather getting warmer and everything is looking up. Who can complain with that? Lets just hope that all this goodness lasts long enough to get some real use out of it. Until next time,


P.S. That new development will be coming soon I promise.


  1. I know how sad to comment to my own posting, I just wanted to say that for those of you who know what I'm referring to already I won't post comments that directly mention what it is as I need to keep it on the down low for the time being, so please don't be offended if your comment isn't posted. Thanks.

  2. Realized I never posted how excited I am for you on your "new development"! I'm glad you found something you are really looking forward to and are excited about! I think it'll be right up your alley - you should have something you love to do! Awesome that you've pursued it!!!
