Monday, March 8, 2010

Long time, Oscar getting it right and trying not to fail.

Its me. I know its been a long time, so I give you my apologies. Why have I been gone so long? No reason really, kinda forgot I was doing this. Well back on track now so here we go.

So the Oscars were on last night. You saw by my last post that I wasn't particularly fond of Avatar. Especially not in the best picture category. Now I can't saw I went out and saw all 10 best picture nominees, however I saw Avatar, District 9 and the Hurt Locker. Out of those three I definitely think the right movie won. Hurt Locker did something unconventional with the "war genre" and that was made it real. Real as in we got to (as the audience) get a taste of what its like in Iraq without the glorious flag waving and freedom junk that gets shoved down your throat. Also the style of filming where the cast didn't know where all the cameras where gave it that extra real edge. Bravo to the film, crew and Kathryn Bigelow for being the first female director to win the Oscar. I'm still going to go out and attempt to watch all the other best picture nominees like my wife and I do every year, but I have a feeling my opinion of who won won't change.
I don't think it should of won but I feel that Star Trek was snubbed as a nominee. Now I am a self-proclaimed nerd, and if I haven't proclaimed it here then I'M A NERD!!! But regardless Star Trek was well acted, shot, written and most importantly was enjoyable to watch. I'm such tons of people on the "innanets" will be crying fowl with me but the one saving grace is at least we can't say it was snubbed because it was a Sci-Fi film. As you saw District 9 and Avatar were both nominated so kudos overall to the Sci-Fi genre. My opinion is it was probably due to the fact it was a "reboot" of a franchise that prevented the Academy from nominating it. Sure it wasn't original content but what Abrams did is take a broken leg and mended it. He introduced a whole new audience to the Star Trek franchise and rejuvenated it for (fingers crossed) another forty years. What a lot of people today who say star trek is only for nerds back in the day when the original series first premiered lots of people from different walks of life watched it and loved it on different levels. Unfortunately Star Trek went through a phase where they only catered to the die-hard fans. This phase is what I think killed the original "canon" as any change they attempted to make was brought on by boos and hisses from the nerd public at large (no joke at their expense meant there). So Abrams was approached to kick start it, and he took a bold step by redoing it right at the beginning, taking it back to a place where anyone from any walk of life can get into it, enjoy it all the while making it a great film. So I wave my finger at you Academy for snubbing a fine film that shouldn't of won best picture, but at least should of been considered.

As you saw above by my title I had three topics in mind. First and second have been covered so now the "trying not to fail". Well as you saw in previous posts a new year's resolution for me was to get into shape, exercise more and generally feel better about myself. Well I kinda fell off the wagon. I know you all are disappointed in me. Don't worry I am in myself as well. I could go down the excuse road again, but really nothings changed. But its still in the back of my mind. This past weekend I at least took my dog out for a few walks and once to the dog park which involves lots of walking. Its a small start but its got to count right? Plus I go on the treadmill and do some weight lifting. My problem is frequency, i.e. there is none and I don't keep to it. But its a work in progress and I haven't thrown in the towel yet. Cheer me on people. Until next time.


  1. don't give up yet! the summer makes it so much easier.

  2. With exercise, I think you have to start doing it little by little till you're at the place you want to be. I know, I know...I don't know much about exercise either as I definitely could loose some weight myself, but this is just what I've heard and I'm sure others can attest to. When you're not used to exercising, I don't think you can start out big as it then becomes really difficult to continue. But going small to big seems easier. So good for you for going on walks with Margaret Beverly :) I'd like to loose weight myself this year, but like you mentioned in one of your posts, I'm too damn lazy too! I know that once I get into a routine of exercising, I'll continue, but it's just getting started that's hard. So maybe you and I will have to spur each other long! :) You can do it, Les!!!
